Obstacles and opportunities for christian faith in a post-christian europe – Ralf Bergmann

In a post-Christian Europe we face a twofold challenge of intellectual and emotional deception: The first creates a false alternative between a pseudo-scientific world view and the Christian faith while the second creates a false alternative between a so called progressive mind set opposed to an apparently suppressive, fearful and out dated Christianity. Even many […]

Predigt von Ralf Bergmann in der Matthäusgemeinde Bremen

Die Predigt am 09.08.2020 zum Thema “Am Anfang schuf Gott die Himmel und die Erde” aus Genesis 1, 1 (35 min) eröffnet ein Panorama vom Anfang der Welt bis zu Ihrem Ende. Es geht zunächst um das Verständnis des Anfangs aus biblischer und naturwissenschaftlicher Sicht und die Eigenschaften Gottes, die man daraus erkennen kann. Dabei […]

The Free Society: Its Enemies and Friends – Ralf Bergmann

Christian faith is often seen as an obstacle for freedom, while political ideologies usually claim to stand for liberation. This popular view has, however, frequently been challenged. The philosopher Karl Popper criticized political ideologies on the basis of their irrationality while the Christian Theologian Francis Schaeffer argued that a society needs a Christian foundation to […]
