Wo ist Gott?
Wissenschaft und Religion lassen sich oft nur schwer zusammenbringen. Charles Darwin hat Theologie studiert und sollte auf Wunsch seines Vaters Geistlicher werden. Doch nach seiner epochalen Forschungsreise wuchsen Darwins Zweifel an der christlichen Lehre, er bezeichnete sich später als Agnostiker. Viele prominente Evolutionsbiologen unserer Zeit distanzieren sich viel deutlicher vom Glauben als Darwin. Nicht so Martin […]
Irreducible Complexity: Obstacle to Darwinian Evolution
A Sketch of the Intelligent Design Hypothesis In his seminal work, The Origin of Species, Darwin hoped to explain what no one had been able to explain before—how the variety and complexity of the living world might have been produced by simple natural laws. His idea for doing so was, of course, the theory of […]
The Vise Strategy (Squeezing the Truth out of Darwinists)
1 Introduction The recent hearings conducted by the school board in Kansas (May 5-7, 2005) made it clear that what needs to happen is not for our side to be interrogated by Clarence Darrow manqués (like Pedro Irigonegaray, the attorney for the other side in Kansas) but for our side to get to interrogate the […]
Evolutionslehre versus Schöpfungslehre
Einleitung und Danksagung Obwohl die Woher-Frage zu den Grundfragen unserer menschlichen Existenz zählt, ist das offene, unbefangene Gespräch über sie durchaus keine Selbstverständlichkeit. Wer sie thematisiert, betritt gefährliches Terrain. Das Gelände ist vermint, so scheint es, und eine sichere Durchquerung nur dem möglich, der sich einem ortskundigen Guide anvertraut – einem ausgewiesenen (atheistischen) Evolutionstheoretiker am […]
Irreducible Complexity Revisited
1 The Definition of Irreducible Complexity Highly intricate molecular machines play an integral part in the life of the cell and are increasingly attracting the attention of the biological community. For instance, in February 1998 the premier biology journal Cell devoted a special issue to “macromolecular machines.” All cells use complex molecular machines to process […]
Reflections on Human Origins
1 William James Sidis William James Sidis (1898-1944) is by some regarded as the most intellectually gifted person who ever lived. His IQ is estimated to have been between 250 and 300. At eighteen months he could read the New York Times. At two he taught himself Latin. At three he learned Greek. At four […]
ID as a Theory of Technological Evolution
1. Nature and Art In Book II of the Physics Aristotle remarks, “If the shipbuilding art were in the wood, it would produce the same results by nature.” Aristotle is here contrasting nature and art. Nature provides the raw materials (here wood); art provides the means for fashioning those materials (here into a ship). For […]
Science and Design
When the physics of Galileo and Newton displaced the physics of Aristotle, scientists tried to explain the world by discovering its deterministic natural laws. When the quantum physics of Bohr and Heisenberg in turn displaced the physics of Galileo and Newton, scientists realized they needed to supplement their deterministic natural laws by taking into account […]
The Logical Underpinnings of Intelligent Design
1. Randomness For many natural scientists, design, conceived as the action of an intelligent agent, is not a fundamental creative force in nature. Rather, material mechanisms, characterized by chance and necessity and ruled by unbroken laws, are thought sufficient to do all nature’s creating. Darwin’s theory epitomizes this rejection of design. But how do we […]